Cheap flights at a glance

We all want cheap flights, but deals are hard to scour on the Internet. HelloWings Budget get you all the deals combined in one spot, comparing deals and save even more!

The Comparison Designed for Backpackers

Find your customized deal, then decide the date of departure. HelloWings Budget makes sure you get the best deal on the best date. We don’t need you to register for a username or log in to anything. Simply find where you want to go and where you’re leaving from, click the search button then it’s done.

cheap flights at a glance! HelloWings

“Instant Quotes” “Tax-Included” “Lowest Price for the Day” Chart

When you enter the results page, we give you the “instant quotes”, “Tax-Included”, “Lowest Price for the Day” price chart right off the bat. The horizontal axis shows in default the two weeks date range, the vertical axis on the other hand is the price range. This is not a prediction, not a future trend report, it’s a solid price report on the spot.

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If you take a good look at the chart we provided, you’d find the orange dots scattered throughout the bottom of the chart, making notes on the cheapest dates. Drag the chart forward or backward, we can provide you charts showing prices in a month increment.

Not only do we provide month increment, on the upper right corner we provide you different increment options for your designated chart. Whether it’s two weeks, one month, three months, six months, even a full calendar year of 365 days could be provided upon request. HelloWings Budget is aimed to provide you a one-stop crystal clear comparison to keep your travel under the budget.

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Clear& Concise Flight Information

After choosing your ideal date, a list of flight information and confirmation will pop up under the chart in the price ascending order. Click any one of the flight combinations to show more details and fine prints about the connecting flights. For examples: Flight Number, Airline Name, Flight Duration, Airports code, Maps, and the most important one, Ticket Price.

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Customized Filter and Smart Combination

If you have advanced request or know exactly what you are looking for, please click the filter button on the upper left. This is where you can customized your results by airlines, connecting spot, departure/arrival/flight duration times, then you’d received the results that fits in your criteria. At the same time of creating a neat and quick search, HelloWings Budget also puts great attentions into details of each search and how to customized it for our customers.

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The Smart Combination button at the bottom of the filter, is a feature often missed out by our customers. HelloWings Budget uses Smart Combinations to carefully craft different combinations between budget airlines, finding you the cheap flights for your journey.

In the example below, you can clearly find out that: When flying from New Chitose Airport in Hokkaido, Japan to Don Muang Airport in Bangkok, Thailand on the same time and date, Smart Combination can find you the ticket that’s 35% off the official ticket price while saving you 50% of the traveling time! This is exactly the most unique feature of HelloWings Budget , also a traveling tool you should never miss.

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Round-Trip Price Comparison Too!

HelloWings Budget offers the feature for customers to compares prices on round-trips flights too. If you enter the estimated return date in the orange search bar on the upper area, then you can find out the price and date for your entire journey. HelloWings Budget makes sure our travelers can juggle between the limited time and budget, so your ideal choices and travels wouldn’t be so far away.

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Currency/Language Choice

You can find the supported list of currency on the header portion of the page. HelloWings Budget updates the currency data at 02:00 (UTC+8) to ensure we give you the most accurate price.

Even though at HelloWings Budget we try out best to be instant and on track about informations, the ticket prices still fluctuate every minute or so. Under rare circumstances, your search result might slightly differ than the booking site's price due to currency and ticket fluctuation.

Language wise, HelloWings Budget currently supports 14 major languages, so you may access the information more conveniently.

Find a Good One? Share It Now!

When HelloWings offer the best prices for your next friend get away, of course it’s time to share some money saving news. The share button on the upper right part of the chart grants you instant access to discuss with your friends, and most importantly grab the tickets at a great price while it lasts!

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Guiding You to the Right Channel

After you’ve roamed through the chart and find your ideal flight, click the booking button on the right hand side of the flight information. You would then be directed to the airline’s or travel agent’s website to book the ticket.

Lastly as a friendly reminder, even though you can use any of the supported currency to compare prices; when you're booking the ticket please still check the currency that the booking sites use. Also, depending on how you're paying for the ticket, your payment service providers (Bank/Credit Cards) might charge exchange rates or service fees.

HelloWings Budget works hard to provide you a free and high quality budget airlines’ comparison website.

HelloWings, say Hello to your new Wings into the air!

Cheap flight at a glance! HelloWings

To know more about what else HelloWings Budget has to offer, please visit HelloWings Budget FAQ, or find us on social medias below.

Facebook(Chinese): HelloWings
Instagram: hellowings_official
Twitter: @hellowingshark

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